You will have your prepaid wallet when you add credit to the wallet. The Credit or/and Free Credit from the wallet will be automatically deducted if the partner (drivers/couriers) completed the orders. Package purchased first will be deducted first. In a package, all the Free Credit (if applicable) will be deducted first and then Credit. All Free Credit has its expiry date.
What can I use the Prepaid Wallet to pay for?
Prepaid Wallet can be used to pay for Delivery, Transport and Moving orders.
How can I add credit to Prepaid Wallet?
You can use credit cards, debit cards and prepaid card to add credit.
Besides adding credit myself, are there other ways to receive Free credit?
Yes, you can receive Free credit through our seasonal campaign. Stay tuned!
What's the difference between using Prepaid Wallet and paying for the orders with other payment methods?
You can enjoy a discount on your purchase of Prepaid Wallet in advance.